Boxing with Mark & Sue

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Show Some Bookworm Letterboxing Love!

Our good friend, Bookworm, met with a tragedy in her life last weekend when a fire broke out at her home in CT while they were at church. She and her husband, dog and cat are fine but cannot live in her house for a while due to the extensive damage; which was undergoing a major renovation.

So, we thought the letterboxing community might show some love by carving a stamp for her; much like the pinecone stamps that were carved for Sue & I years ago but for a much better reason this time.

We ask that you carve a Bookworm-themed stamp or a stamp of a fond memory that you might have shared with the Worm and send to me. We will make a logbook for her, stamp in all the images and present to her as soon as we can get together with her.

Please send your stamp to Mark Pepe, 75 Norton Road, Kensington, CT 06037-2918 and thanks so much for showing some good old fashioned letterboxing love! 

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